A second aid convoy containing essential supplies for Parachinar will be despatched on Tuesday, according to sources.
The convoy includes 45 trucks carrying food, medicine and other essential items and will set off from Thall. Sources added that 160 trucks have been stranded in Hangu and Thall for over two weeks.
The trucks contain severable perishable items including food and vegetables and will depart as soon as security clearance is received regarding the route.
However, tribal leaders have expressed disappointment over the size of the convoy, saying that 45 trucks are simply not enough for a population of hundreds of thousands of people.
Markets have reportedly shut down in Kurram after they ran out of supplies and hospitals have been without medicines for several days. According to a leader from the Young Doctors Association, private hospitals and medical stores are also closed.
Meanwhile, students have been unable to attend their classes for three months. The region has been cut off so severely that over 20 bodies of people who died outside Kurram could not be brought inside the district and had to be buried in other places.
Authorities claim that they are doing all they can to restore normalcy to the area and bring relief to the population, including opening roads.
Hostilities in Kurram finally ended earlier this month after a Jirga helped broker a peace deal between the Shia and Sunni tribes in the area. Roads leading into the district have been closed for almost 100 days leading to a severe shortage of medicine and other essential supplies in the area. However, hopes have risen for a return to normalcy after the agreement. The government also began demolishing bunkers in the area on Monday.